Gus gives an update on the Alfie Evans saga in where Alfie's dad, Tom Evans, gave a conciliatory statement to the press yesterday stating that he and his family were attempting to "build bridges" with Alder Hey Hospital and that they now wished to be "left alone." No more statements will be issued nor interviews granted. Gus says that this goes against the pugilistic fighter stance Tom has displayed over the last week and wonders whether or not the hospital finally broke him. He concludes by saying Alfie and the entire Evans family will continue to be in his prayers and will kick off his Intentional Rosary later on in the show with prayer intentions for them.
Later, Gus asks listeners if parents whose children are going through sacramental preparation, i.e., first communion and confirmation, should be required to attend mass in order for their child to receive the sacrament.
And we conclude with Prayer Time via an Intentional Rosary.
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