You Have Been Purchased

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Today's Gospel reading from Luke 19 is quite sad. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem and prophesies about its destruction. 

In the first reading from Revelation 5, we see two interesting things from St. John. First, the elders in heaven holding "gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones." Our prayers rise like incense in heaven. This is why we seek the intercession of the saints in heaven! Next, we see the elders in heaven singing (to Jesus): "...for you were slain and with your Blood you purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation."

In other words, you have been purchased. Purchased with the Blood of Jesus. Now, don't think of yourself as a commodity. Look at it this way: Because of your sins, you owe a debt to God - a debt you cannot pay. Jesus has paid that debt with His Blood. Pretty good deal, huh? Now, you still get to decide where you will spend eternity. You can reject this amazing deal. But should you accept, your "ticket" to heaven has already been paid for.

Father, we thank you for the gift of Jesus paying for us, for our sins. May we remain faithful to the end to enjoy eternal bliss with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today's Readings

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