Words from a Catholic American

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I want to deviate from my regular Scripture reflection today, the day that America celebrates Independence Day. Of course, you can click on “Today’s Readings” and find the readings for the day. Please do that!

Those of us who live in the United States of America live in the greatest nation on earth. I firmly believe that. Since its founding, America has been the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Religious freedom has always been a hallmark of that freedom on which we were founded. Unfortunately, that religious freedom is being eroded bit by bit. Those who push a radical idea of “separation of church and state” seem to believe that the two cannot mutually coexist. They want to do away with religion by silencing those who hold to religious ideals. While the First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” these folks are trying to make “the state” the religion. Statism is a religion in itself.

Too many Catholics in America are falling for this new religion. It imposes things like abortion on demand and same-sex marriage not only as law, but as binding on the consciences of all Americans. They see themselves as righteous, and any who disagree with them are ignorant bumpkins and “on the wrong side of history.” They are American Catholics. I will have no part of it. I choose to put my faith first; God above all else. As opposed to an American Catholic, I see myself as a Catholic American. My faith informs my perception of the culture, not the other way around. I love my country, and I will fight to keep the fabric of godliness woven into her laws and culture. May God bless America, today and always!

Father, help us to always put you above all things – even country – and strive to show others your love and mercy. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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