With or Against?

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The spiritual life must have balance. We must be people of joy, joyfully awaiting the day of the Lord. On the other hand, we must recognize our sinfulness, and because of that be fearful of the day of the Lord. Today’s first reading from Joel 1 and 2 speaks to the latter.

In the Gospel reading from Luke 11, Jesus speaks about people who accuse Him of being in cahoots with Beelzebul, the devil. He tells them, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” I think this begs the question for us…are we with Jesus? Maybe the answer is not as simple as it seems.

None of us would like to think that we’re “against” Jesus. Shoot, we’re Christians! I’m very “Pro-Jesus!” But could it be that there are areas in my life that I disagree with Jesus? Or teachings of His that I don’t like or choose not to follow because they are too hard? Maybe we’re not 100% “with” Jesus. If not, then we must admit that there is a part of us that may be “against” Him. Ask Him today to reveal those places.

Father, help us to be “with” Jesus…100%. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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