What’s Your Foundation?

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Have you ever been to New York City? If not, you’ve surely seen it before. Skyscrapers all throughout Manhattan reaching to the heavens. Ever wonder how they put those things all so close together, and how they always remain so firm? It’s because of their foundation. Manhattan has this amazingly strong bedrock underneath all those huge buildings. Ask any engineer and they will tell you…it all begins with a good foundation. Without that, the structure hasn’t got a chance.

In today’s readings, we think about our foundation. In the first reading from Isaiah 26, we read, “For the Lord is an eternal Rock.” And in the Gospel reading from Matthew 7, Jesus says, “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” When you build something, you want to build it on firm ground; rock that is immovable.

It begs for us the question…what is the foundation on which you have built your faith? Many people choose different foundations for their faith. Some choose money; a fat bank account or a healthy 401(k) gives them peace of mind. For others, relationships; their significant other will make them happy and be there for them always. Er…not so much. If the foundation of our faith is anything but Christ Jesus, we are in for a fall. No one or nothing else will stand the test of eternity.

Father, forgive us for the times when we put our trust, build our faith foundation on things or people. Teach us to trust You alone, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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