What Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ?

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St. Paul’s letter to the Romans is such great reading. Today we hear St. Paul asking the question, “What can separate us from the love of Christ?” He then gives a list of things that we are afraid of. More on that in a moment. In the Gospel reading from Luke 13, some Pharisees come and tell Jesus to get outta Dodge because Herod wants him dead. Jesus says that he will continue on His way. Read what else He says.

Anguish. Distress. Persecution. Famine. Nakedness. Peril. The sword. These are all things that St. Paul proposes might separate us from the love of Christ. But do they? I don’t think so!! “No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us.” St. Paul then goes on to give a laundry list of much more powerful things, none of which will separate us from the love of Christ.

I hope you realize that we are in a constant spiritual battle. Satan and his minions tirelessly try to get us to despair, to give up, to think that we can be separated from the love of Christ. But Jesus loves us ALWAYS! In fact, it is in those times of great tribulation that Christ loves us all the more. Don’t let Satan let you think otherwise. Fight on, brothers and sisters!!

Father, we thank you for victory! Victory over sin and death and Satan and evil. Teach us to rely on the strength of Your Son, Christ Jesus, from whose love nothing can separate us. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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