Walking by Faith

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The second reading in today’s Mass is from 2 Corinthians 5. Here St. Paul says, “…for we walk by faith, not by sight.”

This phrase always brings to mind for me the story of doubting Thomas. He had to SEE the Lord and His wounds in order to believe. Now, you really can’t blame him. It was an incredible story, after all. In these days of advanced science and knowledge, we often want to “walk by sight.” We have to see it to believe it. Sooner or later, though, there come times where we have to make a decision based solely on faith. We must choose to believe or not believe something without empirical evidence.

Walking by sight is really the easy way, isn’t it? Walking by faith can often be the hardest thing we can do. It’s sometimes like walking into a completely dark cave. We just have to trust that God will lead us in the right direction; that we won’t fall headlong into a bottomless pit. The more we trust God, the better we become at this walking by faith thing. It doesn’t come naturally, and it doesn’t come easily. We have to continually work at it. That’s why it’s called “practicing the faith.” We may never get it completely right. But practice makes perfect.

Father, forgive us for the times when we only walk by sight. Help us to open our hearts to you, that we may truly walk by faith, knowing you will take care of our every need. Amen.

Today’s Readings

Today is the final day to take advantage of our Father’s Day specials! Happy Father’s Day to all dads!


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