Using Your Gifts

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In today's first reading from Acts 18, we meet Apollos. Apollos was a Jew from Alexandria. He became a famous teacher and evangelist for Christ.

Apollos was "an authority on the Scriptures" and "an eloquent speaker." Remember, in those times, "the Scriptures" referred only to the Old Testament. These were gifts Apollos had before he came to faith in Christ. He was proclaiming Jesus, but incompletely. So Aquila and Priscilla instruct him, and he continues preaching and teaching.

Apollos is a great example to us. He took the gifts that God had given him and used them in His service. As should we. I believe everyone has been given a unique and individual talent. Are you using your gift to serve the Lord? If not, find ways to use your gift(s) for God.

Father, thank you for the talents and gifts you have given us. May we use them to serve you and your people. Amen.

Today's Readings

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