Tuesday, December 1, 2015

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Today, we begin Phase I of our annual Project Christmas. Each year, in the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Gus has one charity on per week to raise money for needy individuals. Today, we welcome Angel Aloma, executive director of Food for the Poor, calls in to raise money for the poor in 17 Latin American and Caribbean countries. If you were unable to call in to donate, you can do so online by clicking here.

Afterwards, Gus is joined by Archbishop Timothy Broglio, of the Archdiocese of the Military Services, who talks about the shortage of priests he’s facing. It’s one of the largest and vastest archdioceses in the world and it only has approximately 100 priests to serve its constituents.

And, in honor of Giving Tuesday, Gus takes calls from listeners who tell him about their favorites charity.

Food for the Poor


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