Today and Tomorrow

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In today’s first reading, St. James talks about tomorrow. Something we need to think about today. So we will. In the Gospel from Mark 9, Jesus says, “For whoever is not against us is for us.” These words of Jesus always remind me of the unity that we have with other Christians. After all, no matter where we go to church, are we not all “for” Jesus? I sincerely hope so.

St. James says, “You have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow. You are a puff of smoke that appears briefly and then disappears.” Translation: tomorrow is not guaranteed. St. James puts a really interesting spin on this thought, putting it in a business setting, talking about making a profit. He tells his readers, “Now you are boasting in your arrogance.”

I’m a big believer in this concept. That’s why I call my radio show “Seize the Day.” It’s OK to think about tomorrow, but never at the expense of today. Do we have our houses in order today? Is there healing that needs to be done today? Have you told the people you love that you love them today? If your tomorrow turns out to be eternity, how will you have left things today? What if today is your final tomorrow?

Father, we thank you for today. Help us to make the most of our opportunities to love and serve each other so that, if You grant us a tomorrow, it will be better. Amen.

Today's Readings

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  • Carl : May 24, 2024

    For Mary S – Amen! Great song! Thanks for sharing.

  • Carl: May 24, 2024

    Credit goes to a deacon friend of ours:

    “There are seven days in the week, and none of them are someday!”

  • Mary S. : May 22, 2024

    The “puff of smoke” reminded me of the line from the song “Get Together” (Youngbloods). This is the line; “We are, but a moment’s sunlight fading in the grass.” Love that line. It’s so true & full is wisdom.

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