Jesus was a busy guy. It seems He was always on the go – preaching, teaching, healing, feeding. Yet we see that He always took time for prayer.
In today’s Gospel reading from Mark 1, Jesus spends all night healing people and casting out demons. One might guess that He got very little sleep. After all this, “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” Jesus took time to pray, to spend time with the Father, to recharge His batteries.
It can be easy to let our prayer lives go. We get so busy that we forget to take time to pray. Sometimes we can even let church activities or ministry take precedence over prayer. That can certainly lead us into dangerous territory – burnout, anger, resentment. Don’t let that happen. As imitators of Jesus, we, too, must make time for prayer.
Father, forgive us for the times that we neglect our prayer lives. May we have a greater desire to spend time with you in prayer, through Christ our Lord. Amen.