Thursday, March 17, 2016

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Gus talks about St. Patrick’s Day and how we celebrate it in the United States doesn’t really excite him because it’s been co-opted by the world. Nevertheless, he loves Saint Patrick, venerates him and then reads “St. Patrick’s Breastplate.” Gus gets many calls from listeners agreeing with him, but it wasn’t all negative. Some say we can use it as an opportunity to educate and evangelize people.

Also, DeVon Franklin, producer of Miracles from Heaven, calls in to talk about the inspiration behind making the movie and what message they were trying to convey.

And, since we had such a huge response to the story Gus related yesterday about a Mary Poppins mannequin hanging from the ceiling of the Cathedral of St. Cecilia in Omaha, Nebraska for their annual Flower Festival that he took calls on it again. Every call was, for the most part, against it but also against the custodian taking matters into his own hands, but we closed with Mary from Omaha who attends the Flower Festival every year, saw the Mary Poppins display and had no problem with it. She said we were all overreacting.

St. Patrick, pray for us.

St. Patrick


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