Fr. Doug Grandon calls in, from the Netherlands, to sit down with Gus in the Conversion Corner and share his conversion and vocation story. Fr. Grandon is in the Netherlands with 13 FOCUS students, and some nuns from the Nashville Dominicans, on a missionary trip.
Also, Gus talks about a recent opinion piece written by Rhode Island Bishop Thomas Tobin, for his diocesan newspaper, where he talks about the vocations shortage in the country and the world, and some proposed causes and solutions. Gus takes it to the listeners and asks what they think is a cure all for the vocation shortage.
And, Gus gives an update on baby Charlie Gard, the British infant, born with a rare disease, who’s parents are fighting against the UK government to keep him alive. They were back in court today to present new evidence in hopes of getting Charlie to a U.S. or Vatican hospital.