The Sword of the Word

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In our first reading from Hebrews 4, the author of Hebrews tells us about the word of God. More on that in a moment. The Gospel reading from Mark 2 is about the call of Levi, also known as Matthew. Levi was a tax collector. In those days, tax collectors were considered traitors. They were Jews who were working for the Roman authority. They were sell-outs, and most of them were corrupt. And this is who Jesus chose as one of his Apostles. Jesus chose lots of people who were far from perfect…like me…and you!

“The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” Pretty powerful stuff, huh? Knowing how powerful God’s Word is, how can we not be more and more into it? Now, I’m not one who likes to go around quoting chapter and verse of Scripture. I think that most people find that a bit off-putting. But even if we don’t go around quoting chapter and verse, we should know God’s Word. Intimately.

There is a huge difference between reading something and knowing something. And I think with the Sacred Scriptures, this makes all the difference in the world. It’s easy enough to read Scripture. But it is a lot harder to know it. And I don’t mean know it in the sense of being able to pass a test on it. I mean to know it in our hearts. To live it out in our day to day lives. So how about it…is God’s Word written on your heart today?

Father, we thank you for Your Word in the Sacred Scriptures. Give us an ever greater hunger to not just read Your Word, but to have it written on our hearts. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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