The Spirit Upon You

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Today’s Gospel reading from Luke has two beginnings. The first part of the reading is the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, where he tells his friend Theophilus that he (Luke) has done his homework and that the events recounted are true and accurate. The second part of the reading recounts the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

Jesus gets up to read at the synagogue, and reads from the prophet Isaiah. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.” He reads the rest of the passage (please read it yourself), sits down and, as all eyes are on Him, says, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus begins to reveal who He is and what His mission is.

Like Jesus, the Spirit of the Lord is upon you. You, too, have been called to a special and particular ministry, one that only you can fulfill. Have you figured out what that is yet? I can tell you this much, your ministry must mirror Jesus’ as laid out in Isaiah. We are all called to do the same things that you see in that Gospel reading. It is part of our jobs as evangelists – to proclaim the Gospel, and that Jesus is the fulfillment of that Gospel. Are you ready to fulfill your call?

Father, thank you for calling each of us to bring the Good News to all. May we carry out our mission more fully each day. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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