Catholics are all familiar with John 1:29, which starts the Gospel reading in today's Mass. "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."
I think many look at Jesus as some far off figure, someone we know about but could never get close to, like the Pope or the President. And just like the Pope runs the Church and the President runs the country, the things they do never really filter down to us. It's big picture stuff. But Jesus is much than just a big picture figure.
Yes, Jesus takes away the sin of the world. But He takes away your sin as well. He died on the cross not just for everyone, but for you. Personally. He opened the gates of heaven, and He can free you from your sins. Will you let Him do that today?
Father, give us the grace to allow Jesus into our lives - every area of our lives - and take away our sins. Amen.