The Other Nine

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God doesn't care if you're great or small in the eyes of the world. Today's first reading from Wisdom 6 tells us, "For the Lord of all shows no partiality, nor does he fear greatness, Because he himself made the great as well as the small, and he provides for all alike; but for those in power a rigorous scrutiny impends."

In today's Gospel passage from Luke 17, Jesus heals ten lepers. Only one returns to thank him, and that one was a Samaritan. And Jesus asks, "Where are the other nine?"

Have you ever considered that? What happened to the other nine? Perhaps they were so excited about their healing that it didn't occur to them to go back and thank Jesus. Maybe some went directly to their families and got swept up in a great celebration. Maybe some were skeptical that the healing was genuine. Whatever the stories were, we must always remember to give thanks for our healings and blessings.

Father, may we always be grateful, and remember to express our gratitude to you. Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Vincent Enright: November 12, 2021

    I also wonder what happened to the gifts of the wise men, especially since after they were given, Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus had to flee in haste to Egypt.

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