The Nonsensicality of Following Christ

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While reading today’s first reading and responsorial, you may feel like you’re in the midst of Lent. The reading from Hosea 14 is one that we see during Lent, and the responsorial is from Psalm 51 is a Lenten mainstay. Be sure to read and meditate on both!

In the Gospel reading today from Matthew 10, Jesus gives His Apostles a long litany of things they are going to have to suffer through if they follow Him. Here’s but a sample: “They will hand you over to courts and scourge you in their synagogues… Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of my name…” Doesn’t that sound great? Who’s in?

I always marvel at how this whole Christianity thing ever got off the ground. I mean, if someone just gave you that job description, would you accept the gig? These sufferings and persecutions didn’t end with the Apostles. They’re still happening today. This always reminds me that the Church must be a divine institution. Looking at it from an earthly perspective, it would seem nonsensical to be a follower of Christ. But then, followers of Christ don’t have an earthly perspective.

Father, help us to persevere even through the sufferings and persecutions that come our way because of our faith in Jesus. May we hold on to that faith to the end. Amen.

Today's  Readings

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