The Humility of John

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Today is the Third Sunday in Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday. You’ll notice the priest lighting the rose colored candle on the Advent wreath. Once again, our Gospel reading concentrates on John the Baptist. Why does Holy Mother Church concentrate so much on John the Baptist during the season of Advent? Because John was all about preparation, as is the season of Advent. John knew that his job was not to bring salvation, but to prepare the people for the One who would do so.

John probably had a pretty large following. I’m sure that, as is the case with most people, this could easily have gone to his head. He could easily have thought that he was all that (and a bag of chips). But John knew better. He knew that the One to come would be much greater. We see this humility in today’s Gospel from Luke 3.

John says, “One mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.” Now, Jesus said that John was the greatest one ever born of a woman. If that is the case, then imagine how much more lowly we are! The question is, do we recognize that? Do we have the same spirit of humility as John? Because, if John was not worthy, then I sure as heck ain’t worthy!

Father, we thank you for the humble example of John the Baptist. May we share in his humility, and recognize our unworthiness before you. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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