In today’s readings, we get lots more end times stuff. In the Gospel reading from Luke 21, Jesus talks about things to look for near the end. Many of these have been happening since time immemorial, so I suspect they will be ratcheted up greatly near the end.
In the first reading from Revelation 14, John gets a vision of angels harvesting the grapes on the earth. Of course, we’re not hearing about literal grapes. These are the souls of earth being separated according to what kind of fruit they bore. “He threw it into the great wine press of God’s fury.”
I can tell you this – I do not want to end up in the “great wine press of God’s fury.” Hell. While we acknowledge God’s great mercy, we must still have a healthy fear of hell. How do we stay out? Have faith in Christ, repent, avail ourselves of the grace of the sacraments. Repeat often.
Father, increase our faith and give us a repentant heart, as you pour out your grace on us, that we may live with you forever. Amen.
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