The Danger of Pride

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In the Gospel reading from Luke 18, Jesus tells a parable about two people praying in the temple.

A Pharisee thanks God that he is not like all the low-lifes out there, including a tax collector who is with him in the temple. “I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.” Impressive, no? Well…no. The tax collector won’t even raise his eyes and prays, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” No airs, no pretensions; just a plea from the heart acknowledging how puny he was. Jesus ends with, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

The Pharisee’s great sin, of course, was pride. He thought himself better than everyone else because of his righteous deeds. How often do we fall into that trap? I can tell you it happens to me. I see a well-dressed couple give up a single dollar bill in the collection basket at Mass and think to myself, “Glad I’m not stingy like them! Don’t forget to look at the numbers on my check, Lord!” Of course, the Lord doesn’t see the numbers on my check. He sees the black spot on my heart. And calls me to repentance.

Father, help me to repent of my great pride. If I refuse to humble myself, I ask you to humble me today, O God. Amen.

Today’s Readings

Churches will undoubtedly be packed this Easter. Ask your pastor to give away copies of A Minute in the Church to help teach the faith in a minute. Order today at

1 comment

  • Todd : March 26, 2022

    This one line hit me the most, after reading and reflecting on many authors thoughts on today’s readings.

    If I refuse to humble myself, I ask you to humble me today, O God. Amen

    Wow. Do I really want that? I know I need it. And if I truly look at my life, how many times has God done just that. Sometimes gently, sometimes pretty harshly. But if I’m honest, every time its been just the right jolt that was needed for the conversion of that sin. I pray that I don’t need the need the bigger jolts and that I’m more receptive to the nudges.

    Thank you for that “jolt” Gus.

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