Most everyone knows that the Ten Commandments are found in the Bible. But did you know that they are found in the Bible twice? The first instance is in Exodus 20. That is today’s first reading. (If you’re keeping score, the second instance is in Deuteronomy 5. Take that to the water cooler!) In the Gospel reading from Matthew 13, Jesus explains the parable of the sower. Always a great time for us to conduct a soil check!
Is it just me, or does it seem as though the Ten Commandments have become passe? For many, it seems as though the Ten Commandments have become more like the Ten Suggestions. That whole adultery thing? How antiquated! I mean, if we love someone, wouldn’t God WANT us to have sex with them? And as for that “honor your father and mother” thing… Hey, they didn’t do me any favors! Why should I honor them? Oh, and that “bearing false witness against your neighbor?” Why, it’s only friendly gossip. Who could that possibly hurt?
You get the picture. There are even some Christians who will tell you that the Ten Commandments have no bearing on our salvation. Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. I hate to be the bearer of unwanted news, but the Ten Commandments still count. We can try to rationalize them away all we want. But it won’t work. God’s laws applied thousands of years ago; they still apply today.
Father, help us find true freedom in following your commandments. Take away our rebellion and teach us obedience. Amen.