In the Gospel reading today from John 15, we hear Jesus tell the disciples, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you.”
Have you seen the new online TV series "The Chosen"? (I suspect the name of the show is related to this Gospel passage.) If not, I highly recommend it. It's the story of Jesus and His disciples, and it's very well done. I believe that everyone is chosen to be in relationship with Jesus. Not everyone will answer that call or accept His invitation. So Jesus has, indeed, chosen you and “appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain.” What an honor!!
Ever have a time in your life where you really just felt unwanted? Like the poor kid in gym class who always got picked last for the dodgeball game? Ever wonder if anyone really cares? The next time that thought crosses your mind, remember this Scripture. Jesus has chosen you! Yes, YOU!! How’s that for a little spiritual confidence booster?
Father, we thank you that Your Son, Jesus, has chosen us. Help us to always recognize our chosen-ness, and do all that we can to bear that fruit that you have appointed us to bear. Amen.