The Bottom Line

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You can always tell when we’re getting close to the end of the liturgical year. The Gospel readings are more of Jesus’ words about the return of the Son of Man. We sometimes refer to this as the “end times.”

There are many who will say that we are in the end times right now. Interestingly enough, if you look at Scripture and history, those folks have been around since the resurrection of the Lord. Some have found themselves with Grade A large egg on their face by publicly predicting the Second Coming. One preacher recently tried to cover his tracks by saying that Jesus has returned “in a spiritual sense.” Right… You would think that folks would learn by now, wouldn’t you?

Jesus said, “But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” We don’t know when the Second Coming of Jesus will be. It could be later today. It could be in 10,000 years. Only the Father knows. The bottom line for us is simply this: if we haven’t experienced the first coming of Jesus into our hearts, then His Second Coming won’t really matter. We must be prepared for the return of the Lord today, or tomorrow, or in 10,000 years. If we’re living out the things Jesus told us the first time He was here, then we need have no fear when He comes again.

Father, we don’t know when your Son will return. But we know that He will. Help us to be ever ready for that moment, but living our lives in a way pleasing to you. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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