That They May See the Light

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Today's first reading is the beginning of the Book of Ezra. Cyrus, a gentile king, allows the children of Israel, who had been scattered, to go to Jerusalem and build a new temple.

In the Gospel reading from Luke 8, Jesus says, "No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or set it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light." Of course He's talking about our spiritual lives.

When one has the light of Christ in them, it must be shared. This is an uncomfortable truth for many. So many like to think that their "religion" is purely a personal thing and should never be shared, except perhaps with close family or friends. This is a false way of thinking. The light of Christ in us must shine out to the world! So open your heart, and your mouth, that others may see the light!

Father, give us the strength and courage we need to share Jesus with others today. Amen.

Today's Readings


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