What was the first prayer you learned as a child? Chances are good that it was the Our Father. Jesus teaches it to His disciples in today’s first reading from Luke 11. In today’s first reading from Galatians 2, we see the story of an interesting confrontation.
St. Paul was a very outspoken guy. He boldly proclaimed the Gospel wherever he went. And when he heard or saw things that weren’t right, he went to the heart of the matter. He recounts an instant of that with Peter. He saw Peter, the prince of the Apostles, acting hypocritically and he called him on it.
Our leaders are not perfect. They are prone to the same pitfalls and sins that we are. When they mess up, they need to be held to account. This can be a very tricky business. But truth must always be upheld. Pray for our leaders, that they will always follow Christ, and speak truth.
Father, we ask that you guide our leaders rightly. And when they stray, give us the courage and grace to speak truth to power. Amen.