Seeking Wisdom

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In today's Gospel reading from Mark 11, Jesus' authority is questioned. See how Jesus turns the tables on his interlocutors. The first reading is from Sirach 51. It centers on wisdom.

"When I was young and innocent, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer. My heart delighted in her...I became resolutely devoted to her - the good I persistently strove for. My soul was tormented in seeking her..."

We ask God for a lot of things - healing, help, patience, etc. But how often do we ask for wisdom? I mean, who couldn't use more wisdom? Perhaps we should start making that part of our daily prayer routine. It seems to have worked well for Sirach.

Father, fill us with your wisdom, that we may discern your will always. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Carl: June 05, 2023

    Sirach offers a beautiful testimony about seeking wisdom, and giving “grateful praise” to God, his teacher, for that which was imparted to him. Though the whole passage is beautiful, one phrase stood out; “My soul was tormented in seeking her.” I found reassurance in this as I often feel that my quest for His Wisdom is akin to walking through quicksand. Sirach reminded me that his own quest did not come easy, that prayerful perseverance is a requisite!

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