Are you afraid of Doomsday? I suppose folks have a different idea of what that means, but did you know that God will never destroy all the living things of the earth again? That's what happened in the time of Noah, and God promised He would never do that again.
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 8, Jesus restores the sight of a blind man. But it took Him two "tries." After the first anointing, the man saw only shapes After laying hands on his eyes a second time, the man "could see everything distinctly." I think this is a wonderful metaphor for our Christian walk.
When we give our lives to Christ, our eyes are opened. We see the error of our old ways and desire to live in a new way. But early on, the ways of the world still cling to us, and we don't see clearly the ways and plan of the Lord. But as we go forward and continue to encounter Jesus - through prayer, Scripture and the Sacraments - we grow in faith and knowledge and our vision becomes clearer. Let's be sure that's an ongoing process.
Father, may we see more clearly your ways today that we did yesterday, and more clearly tomorrow than we do today. Amen.
Lent starts in just two weeks! Perhaps your parish would like to help the faithful learn the faith in a minute for Lent or Easter. Order copies of A Minute in the Church in bulk for just $1.50 a copy at