I love the beginning of today’s first reading from 1 Timothy 1. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost.” A bold proclamation by St. Paul. You know, if I weren’t such a strong Catholic, I might just challenge St. Paul that he is wrong. I would like to nominate myself as “foremost sinner.” Not that it would be a title of distinction. Just deserved. But I guess St. Paul will be able to keep his trophy. (He did get a trophy for that, didn’t he?)
More from the Sermon on the Plain for today’s Gospel reading. Jesus asks the question, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I command?” Uh-oh. Uncomfortable silence. Uh, gee, Lord, do I really have to answer that? Because if I do, I have to come clean and say that I have no good excuse. Do I call Him, “Lord, Lord?” Yes! Do I always do what He commands? No.
So, what’s the answer? Stop calling Him “Lord, Lord?” Not an option. So I guess I’m left with only one other choice. Start doing what He commands! Seems so easy in theory, doesn’t it? Ah, but in practice…well, that’s the really hard part. Sure we’re going to fail again and again. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.
Father, we profess Your Son Jesus as Lord. Give us the grace to do what He commands. Help us to love one another. Amen.