Saints Peter and Paul

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Today the Church celebrates the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. In the first reading from Acts 12, we see how the angel of the Lord led Peter out of a VERY secure prison so that he could continue his mission. Our second reading is from 2 Timothy 4. St. Paul says, “The Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And the Gospel reading is from Matthew 16. “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church…”

Peter: the first Pope, the rock, the Prince of the Apostles. Paul: the Apostle to the Gentiles, author of most of the New Testament. Two of the greatest figures in salvation history. What a blessing that Holy Mother Church chooses to celebrate these two on the same day! These two men share many common attributes: great leaders, fiery orators, bold proclaimers. But perhaps if there was one attribute that they both exemplified the most, it would be trust.

We see in their writings, and in the witness of their lives, that Peter and Paul both trusted that God would be faithful to His word. Both wore the martyr’s crown. But before that, both were protected by God’s mighty hand until His will would be completed in their lives. And they both knew full well that that is exactly what would happen. Do we share that same kind of trust? Do you believe that God will protect you from everything and anything, until your mission on earth is complete? When we have that kind of trust, we can live the same kind of fearless life that Peter and Paul showed us how to live.

Father, teach us to trust as Peter and Paul did. Help us to know that you will protect and guide us through all things, so that your will may be done. Amen.

Today's Readings



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