Today's first reading from Isaiah 65 is one that should bring great hope. It shows us what is to come. The Gospel reading from John 4 is the story of Jesus' second sign.
Our Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 30. Here is the response:
"I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me."
I encourage you to read all of it.
Through God's great mercy and the sacrifice of Christ, we have been rescued. That is certainly true on a corporate level, but I think of this at a very personal level. There was a time in my life when I was certainly on the path to hell - to eternal death. But Jesus reached into the mess of my life and rescued me from that path. Now my job is to stay on the path of holiness that He points me to daily.
Father, thank you for rescuing me! I praise your holy name! Amen.
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