An intriguing story in our first reading today from Isaiah 7. A couple of big-shots are planning to attack Jerusalem and overthrow Judah. And God says, “No way!” In the Gospel reading from Matthew 11, Jesus pronounces woes on some towns, Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum, because He performed mighty deeds there, but they did not repent.
Jesus has some pretty harsh words for these places that failed to repent. In fact, he says, things will go better for Sodom on the day of judgement. And Sodom was pretty much vaporized. Not good!
They say that the greatest sin is pride. And when we don’t repent, we are giving in to pride in its fullness. Basically, we’re saying that we don’t care what God thinks. Hanging on to our sins is more important than our relationship with God. Maybe the first step is to repent of not repenting. Then repent again…and again…and again…
Father, we repent of our unrepentance. Give us the grace to turn our hearts toward you at all times. Amen.