Putting Up With a False Gospel

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I start today’s reflection with a warning. What you are about to read, you may find offensive. So be it. On a personal note, I do not write these reflections to be popular. I write them to share truth. So if you think I’m being “political” or insensitive, no need to write me a scathing email. Just pray for me.

In today’s first reading from 2 Corinthians 11, St. Paul talks about how even believers are being led astray. Here’s what he says: “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts may be corrupted from a sincere and pure commitment to Christ. For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough.” From the very beginning, people who had once assented to the faith were turning away, attracted to a new “gospel” that they found more attractive, more in line with what they thought.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It was happening then, it’s happening now. This is true in so many ways. So many Catholics and other Christians are abandoning the timeless teachings of the Church – of Christ - to say that two people of the same sex can marry; that divorce and remarriage (without annulment) is perfectly fine. Adultery? Oh, don’t be so harsh! Funny…that’s exactly the word (adultery) that Jesus used. Many "enlightened" Catholics now say it's okay to be pro-choice. And don't get me started on "woke" Catholics. There are many within the Church who are trying to “change” the teachings of Christ. This cannot be done. Oh, they can pretend. They can proclaim a new “enlightened” teaching. But don’t call it the teachings of Christ. Call it what it is – adopting a false gospel. Instead of being faithful, we blow with the winds of society, finding ourselves on the wide road that leads to destruction. We “put up with it well enough.” Instead, we should be saying, “Well, enough!”

Father, help us to stay faithful to the teachings of Christ. May we stand for truth, regardless of what everyone else is doing. Amen.

Today’s Readings

Want to know the real teachings of the Church? Get the five book set of A Minute in the Church today at www.GusLloyd.com


  • Nancy: June 18, 2021

    Great observations Gus. We knew these times were coming but those of us who understand have to be aware and keep the faith as Jesus teaches us. And we have to share our beliefs with the people whom we know need to hear the true message.
    Prayers for you and your family.
    Keep giving us the true message.

  • Carl: June 18, 2021


    Hey Gus, have you noticed that those rare times you begin your reflections with a “warning” you elicit more comments – and none are an attack on you?!

    I try my best to follow those (like yourself) who are true shepherds and avoid the false prophets. As a result, I check/follow various sites.

    One such article this week (found on OnePeterFive) sadly portrays just how deep this cancer within our Church has spread. ("Seminarian: “Is There Any Reason Why I Should Remain Catholic?”)

    We have been praying for the USCCB meeting that the bishops may be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit in order to return our Church to Her proper place of dignity and respect.

    May God continue to bless you for speaking the truth! 🙏🙏🙏

  • Carol Ann Stephens: June 18, 2021


  • Mel: June 18, 2021

    Amen brother

  • Charlie Labassi: June 17, 2021

    It had to be said Gus! Thank you for having the courage to pen those words. Peace of Christ be with you and your loved ones, and yes even your enemies too

  • Sharon: June 17, 2021

    Amen, and amen again!

  • John Paloma: June 17, 2021

    We are the men in our times. The faith and belief in Christ will pass through our time. Though it may get bruised, and Catholics may leave, our faith will endure, and the truth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, will be made available for our next generations. Our Lord and Savior is always going to be at the finish line for us- we just have to keep running the race. God Bless you Gus and family.

  • Marjorie Felico-Pattison: June 17, 2021

    Thank you so much for your thoughts on today’s world of “new Catholics”. I’ve been having so much trouble with things that are going on within the church, with the Priests in Germany, China and those in the UCCB council who don’t even want it on the table for discussion. I do not question my faith, but I’m seriously starting to question so many false prophets within it. So I thank you today for being one of those who is willing to stand up and defend it

  • Karen Bender : June 17, 2021

    Well said and Amen Gus! I pray for those who “blow with the wind” to have a conversion of heart, especially those who are in leadership roles. Keep speaking what is in your heart!

  • Arthur Landry: June 17, 2021

    No problem here. Write on.

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