In today’s first reading from Ephesians 6, St. Paul tells us to “put on the armor of God.” He goes on to explain just what that is. More in a moment. In the Gospel from Luke 13, some Pharisees tell Jesus he should get out of the area because Herod wants to kill him. Jesus basically says no dice…Jerusalem is my destiny.
Scripture tells us that life is a spiritual battle - that our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, spiritual forces. How often we forget this! My friend, we are in a fight; a fight for our very souls! We need to be armed to the teeth! With what? St. Paul tells us…truth, righteousness, peace, faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. To arms! So how do we wield these powerful armaments?
Pray! “Pray at every opportunity in the Spirit.” This battle begins on our knees! Pray for yourself, pray for others, pray for the Church, pray for our priests, pray for the Holy Father. Pray for your enemies! Pray without ceasing. Pray in the Spirit, pray the Rosary, pray the Scriptures. Every moment of our lives should be a prayer. St. Paul uses this military imagery for a reason. Because this whole Christian thing is not for sissies! Fight the good fight, my friend! I am proud to be on your team!
Father, help us to fight the forces of evil in our lives and in the world. May we always be battle-ready as we rally behind King Jesus! Amen.
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Thank you Gus for being such a good officer in His army! God bless you for all you do!🙏