Most folks don't like the idea of being preachy. Being preached to can bring up some pretty negative emotions. But do you preach? Let's explore that.
In the Gospel reading from Matthew 23, Jesus tells His disciples about the scribes and the Pharisees. He says, “Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice.” Ah, the old “do as they say but not as they do” message.
Practicing what you preach can be downright impossible. I speak from experience, because I “preach” every day. As a matter of fact, so do you. Now, you may not do so from a pulpit or a microphone or even a street corner. But preach you do. By virtue of the fact that we claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ, we are “preaching.” When you make public your faith, you are called to abide by that faith. We don’t need words to preach. Our actions preach for us. Our actions tell others what we believe. So…what kind of sermon are you preaching today? Because whatever kind of behavior you’re practicing, that’s what you’re preaching.
Father, help us today to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. May we imitate Him in all of our practices, so that our preaching will be pure. Amen.
If you would like help in practicing the faith, get yourself and your family copies of Magnetic Christianity and A Minute in the Church at today!