Most folks can pray the Our Father from memory. Today we hear Jesus teaching His disciples to pray from Luke's Gospel. The wording is a bit different from Matthew's Gospel, which is probably the version you know. In our first reading we continue the story of Jonah.
Jonah was angry with God for a couple of reasons. First, that God had decided not to punish the Ninevites. And second, because God provided a plant to give Jonah shade and the plant died the next day. God asked Jonah if he was angry about the plant. Jonah replied, "Angry enough to die." Be sure to read the Lord's reply.
Jonah had lost all perspective. He was so upset about a plant that lasted but a day, but seemed unconcerned about the people of Nineveh. An old friend of mine had a phrase that may be apt here: Majoring in the minors. Jonah made a mountain out of a molehill; so much so that he lost sight of the real mountain - the souls of 120,000 people. How often do we lose perspective and see our small trials as way bigger than they really are?
Father, give us perspective to see things as they are, always remembering that others have things way worse than we do. Amen.
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