Personal Relationship

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There's much that is made of having a "personal relationship" with Jesus. And rightly so. There's a huge difference with having an institutional relationship with someone. It's the difference between a friend and a co-worker. You can know someone without having a personal relationship with them.

In the first reading today from Exodus 33 and 34, we see a very special relationship between Moses and God. "The LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as one man speaks to another." This is unique in history. And in his conversations with the LORD, Moses was constantly interceding for his people.

There are different aspects to our relationship with God. But the personal relationship with Jesus is of the utmost importance. Just like any intimate, personal relationship, we should feel comfortable sharing everything with Jesus - our joys and sorrows, passions and sins. And when we do, know that we are loved. 

Father, help us to develop an ever deeper relationship with Jesus, giving Him our all, now and always. Amen.

Today's Readings

A new study shows that only half of Catholics know the Church's teaching on the Real Presence. You can help others learn that teaching and many more by giving them A Minute in the Church, available at


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