Jesus was fully God and fully man. He was given all authority in heaven and on earth. We see His earthly authority in today's Gospel reading from Mark 1. He casts unclean spirits out of a man.
In our first reading from Hebrews 2, we read, "It was fitting that he, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many children to glory, should make the leader to their salvation perfect through suffering."
Wait, Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He was already perfect. So, He didn't need to be "made perfect." The Greek verb used means "to complete" or "to perfect." Think of it like this: Jesus' obedience to undergo His sufferings completed and perfected the plan of God, and showed us the way to perfection through obedience to suffering as well.
Father, we know that suffering will surely come our way. May we imitate Christ and come to perfection through our obedience in accepting any suffering you have for us. Amen.
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“Teach me Mother to see that Jesus calls to suffering those who He loves.” ( from “The Way of the Cross” by Bishop Fulton J Sheen Station 4 Jesus meets His Blessed Mother