Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. Happy Birthday! We see this reflected in the readings, especially in the first reading from Acts. Iâ€d like to concentrate on the second reading today from 1 Corinthians 12.
St. Paul talks about different spiritual gifts, all given by the one Spirit. Iâ€m real big on all of us recognizing our giftedness. You have been given a very unique, special gift by the Holy Spirit. If youâ€
re not sure what that gift is, pray about it. Ask the Spirit to reveal it to you more and more. It usually has to do with what you love.
Another thing I would like us to remember is that everyone else has a gift, too. Often I think we can lose sight of anotherâ€s gift because we canâ€
t seem to see past their faults. Have you ever been guilty of this? I know I sure have. Letâ€
s pray that God will give us the spiritual eyes to see the giftedness in others, even those with whom we donâ€
t see eye to eye.
Father, we thank you for pouring out your Holy Spirit upon us. Thank you for our unique gift. May we always look for the giftedness in everyone we meet. Amen.