I love Peter's boldness of speech after Pentecost. Read what he has to say to the people today in the first reading from Acts 3. In the Gospel passage from Luke 24, we pick up where we left off yesterday after two of Jesus' disciples encounter Him on the road to Emmaus and then go to Jerusalem to share the story with the Apostles.
Jesus comes into the room and says to them, "Peace be with you." He assures them that He is not a ghost and then "He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures."
Peace was probably something the disciples of Jesus were struggling with at that time. After all, it was a pretty tumultuous time. But Jesus gives them His peace. He does the same for us in our own tumultuous time. While peace may be a difficult thing to get a hold of these days, it is available - always - through Christ Jesus.
Father, may the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding be with us today. Amen.