Overcoming Obstacles

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In the first reading today from Exodus 14, we see the beginning of the story of the parting of the Red Sea. More on that in a moment. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 12, some scribes and Pharisees come to Jesus and say, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” Here we go again with the sign thing! Jesus tells them they’ve already gotten their sign. Read it to see what He means.

The Israelites were on their way out of Egypt. Pharaoh had granted them their walking papers after God had struck down all of the firstborns in Egypt. But then Pharaoh’s head began to get cloudy again. He thinks, wait a minute…I’m about to lose all my slave labor. What was I thinking? So he sends his army out to reel the Israelites back in and put them back to work. On their way out, the Israelites run into what seems to be an insurmountable obstacle: the Red Sea. Things don’t look good for the home team.

It has been said that obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. The Israelites were about to learn that there is no obstacle too big for God to conquer. An important lesson for them, and for us. So the next time you run into an obstacle, even one as big as the Red Sea, remember that it is nothing to God. Ask for His help! He’s already shown He can do it.

Father, forgive us for those times when we let obstacles keep us from Your plan for our lives. Give us the grace and wisdom to allow you to overcome all the obstacles in our lives. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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