Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. In light of that, I'd like to reflect on the beautiful prayer that is the Rosary.
For many years, I was not a fan of the Rosary. It just wasn't my thing. Now I pray the Rosary daily with my wife. I've found that it has helped deepen my love for Christ and His Mother. And it affords us the opportunity to insert intentions as we pray for our family and others.
Many people feel that the Rosary is simply rote prayer. Admittedly, it can be. But if it is, you're not doing it right. The Rosary is a beautiful contemplative prayer where we meditate on mysteries in the life of Christ and His Mother. If you're not a regular Rosary prayer, I encourage you to give it a try. Start with once a week, add in your intentions and see what God can do with your prayer life.
Father, we thank you for the gift of the Rosary, and the gift of Our Lady of the Rosary. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
If you'd like more information about praying the Rosary, get a copy of A Minute in the Church: Life in Christ, available at It has seven chapters on the Rosary to help you learn and pray.
Hi Gus
I listen to your show every morning on the way to work. I wanted to thank you for getting me hooked on the rosary! I like you was not a rosary fan but two years ago I started during Lent. Then I heard your intentional rosary and that really got me going. I now say the rosary every day on the drive home from work (yes I am still going to the office every day). Some days I have one intention for the whole rosary, some days I do five intentions for each of the 5 mysteries and some days I do an intention for all 5o beads like you do. Its a great way to quiet myself with the lord after each day.
Keep up the great work and thanks again for getting me hooked!
Tom from Minneapolis