Our Cross(es)

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Today is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In the first reading today from Numbers 21, we see a bit of typology. God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and mount it on a pole. Whenever someone looked at it, they would be healed of their bite from a serpent. This was a foreshadowing of the cross of Christ. In fact, Jesus mentions this very passage in today’s Gospel reading from John 3.

In times past, BC (Before Covid), I always looked forward to Good Friday when we would be allowed to kiss the cross. At our church we have a very large cross that had to be carried by three or four men. It is rough and heavy, much like you would expect the cross of Christ to be. It's our way of saying how much we thank Jesus for going to the cross for us, and to show our willingness to carry our cross.

It occurs to me that, throughout our lives, we may have not just one, but many crosses to bear. You may be carrying one cross when God lifts that from you, but offers you another. Perhaps there have been times in your life when there really was no cross, that all was well and peaceful. Our crosses may come and go, but I believe the key is the willingness to take up whatever cross God has for us at any given time, and to carry it manfully.

Father, we exalt the cross of Christ, and we freely and willingly accept whatever cross you have for us. Give us the grace and strength to imitate our Lord, and carry our crosses. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Anthony Pinto: September 14, 2021

    Amen and amen.

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