Ongoing Conversion

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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Jesus’ words from today’s Gospel reading from Mark 16 are ones that St. Paul took seriously. Jesus said, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

We read about the conversion of St. Paul in Acts 9 and Acts 22. Many people refer to St. Paul getting “knocked off his horse.” Interestingly, this is not mentioned in the Scriptural account. We don’t know that he actually was knocked off his horse. But we do know that he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. The cool thing about St. Paul is that he was given some instructions as to what he was to do. Unfortunately, that’s not often the case with us.I don’t know about you, but my ministry is often by trial and error.

Conversion is often thought of as a one-time event. But even St. Paul would tell you that is not accurate. Though we may have a “conversion experience” like St. Paul, an initial experience of Christ, conversion is an ongoing process. It is that daily growing in grace and knowledge of the Lord. Conversion consists in knowing that we are still holding back from giving our lives totally to Jesus, and allowing Him to be Lord of our lives more and more. Conversion should be a never ending process in our lives.

Father, keep us in an ongoing process of conversion. May our hearts be drawn closer to You each and every day. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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