One-Word Instruction

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In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew 14, Jesus is walking on the water. What would you think if you were out in a boat and you saw someone walking toward you – on the water? You’d probably think you were seeing a ghost. The disciples of Jesus did.

When Jesus tells them it is He, Peter tells Jesus to “command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus replies with one word, “Come.” That’s pretty rudimentary, wouldn’t you say? No long explanations about how to walk on water, no extra words of caution or encouragement, nothing. Just one word. “Come.”

Have you ever asked God to give you direction? Most of us have, and do regularly. Wouldn’t it be nice if God gave us step by step, detailed directions on everything? But that’s not usually how God operates. Most often it will be a sense, or a gentle nudge in a direction. When that direction draws us closer to Jesus, then we know we’re headed in the right direction. Can you hear Him? “Come.”

Father, help us to hear the voice of Christ, telling us to come. May we always be moving closer to Him. Amen.

Today’s Readings

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  • rosemary perry: August 04, 2020

    I heard the word, COME, and followed my heart to be a designated prayer at our the Adoration Chapel. I have never been closer to Jesus and I have found so much peace.

  • Steve: August 04, 2020

    Want to hear an uplifting priest? He likes to get out in the Canadian wilderness by himself, do some fishing (probably not with a net), and post short YouTube videos from his fishing cabin. Fr. Mark Goring help’s keep a person grounded in the faith and life. Viva Cristo Rey!

  • t: August 03, 2020

    seems like a year a wo ago stopped having you to send me 1 min. reflections because I would never seem to find time but maybe now I will try harder

  • Carl : August 03, 2020

    Thank you for this terrific reminder! I pray regularly for Him to show me the way and think I may have been expecting a road-map with those step-by-step instructions. Time to LISTEN more for His Voice.

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