On Cheerful Giving

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Our Gospel reading today is the same one we read on Ash Wednesday. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches about almsgiving, prayer and fasting. Always lessons that we need to be reminded of. In the first reading today from 2 Corinthians 9, St. Paul says, “Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Have you ever known someone who is just naturally generous? Perhaps you are. I can say that I often struggle with this in my heart. I am, by nature, frugal. (My family might use the word "cheapskate.") I often have to question whether I carry that frugality to levels that are greater than they should be. I have a friend that is very naturally generous. Now, he’s not wealthy. But if you were to ever ask him for anything, he would give it to you unreservedly. No questions asked. I wish I could be more like that.

This often carries over into other areas of our lives, including our spiritual giving. (Not that all giving doesn’t have a spiritual component.) If each time you feel as St. Paul says, “sadness or compulsion” when you give, then maybe you need to check yourself. Pray and ask God why you’re having these feelings. Then ask Him to make you a cheerful giver. Because remember…we can never out-give God.

Father, fill us with your spirit of generosity. Help us to be generous and cheerful givers. Amen.

Today's Readings

Generosity is one of the attributes of a Magnetic Christian. Read about them all in Magnetic Christianity, available at www.GusLloyd.com


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