Now We Wait

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Today is Holy Saturday. There is no Mass until tonight’s Easter Vigil. The link provided below is for the Easter Vigil readings.

Jesus was dead. In the tomb. For His disciples, this had to be a terrible day. He said He would rise from the dead, but how could they really know? This day must have been just horrible. They were powerless. There was nothing they could do but wait. Wait to see what was next.

How often are we called to do the same – wait on the Lord? I wonder if Psalm 27 came to mind for the disciples. “Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.” Sometimes we have to do the same. When that happens, know this: God is always at work. He is always up to something, working things out for our good. The waiting game paid off for the disciples, and for all humanity. It will pay off for you, too.

Father, give us the patience to wait for you, knowing that you are at work in the situation, and in our lives. Amen.

Easter Vigil Readings


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