In today's first reading from Acts 15, we see the genesis of the Council of Jerusalem. Today's Gospel reading from John 15 is the exact same reading you heard at Mass this past Sunday.
There are so many things we can zero in on with these sayings of Jesus. I want to focus on this today. Jesus said, "Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing."
Let's be honest, there are lots of people who don't remain in Jesus. And they do a lot. So what does Jesus mean? For the believer, when we cut ourselves off from Jesus - don't remain in Him and He is us - everything we do is just spinning our wheels. We can bear no fruit for the Kingdom. It is only through the grace of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that any of our works have meaning. The fruit that we bear by remaining in Jesus is life-changing stuff!
Father, we know that we can do nothing without Jesus. Help us to always remain in Him. Amen.
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