Not Far from the Kingdom

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In today's Gospel passage from Mark 12, Jesus is asked which is the first of all the commandments. He answers with two: You shall love the Lord, your God and love your neighbor as yourself.

A scribe replies affirming Jesus, saying that the two commandments are “worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Jesus saw that he answered with understanding, he said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” Wow! Quite the compliment, no? How I would love to hear Jesus say those words to me. And the reason He said this is because the scribe “got it.”

Our spiritual path in life is often quite wavy. By that I mean that there are times when we are far from the Kingdom of God - when we don't get it. But there are other times when we, like the scribe, get it. Those are the times when we, too, are not far from the Kingdom. Let's work to get it more often, that we might spend more time not far from the Kingdom of God.

Father, help us to get it today. Help us to understand more and more how to love You more, and love our neighbor more. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Micah: November 05, 2018

    “Not far from the kingdom of God” means that you are NOT in the Kingdom of God (not sure how much of a compliment that is). Yes, there is head knowledge, but no actions to back it up.
    My goal is to be in the Kingdom today (i.e. the Church). We’ve all heard the saying, “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades.”

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