Not Fair!

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I just love the first reading today from Ezekiel 18. The Lord God says, “You say, ‘The Lord’s way is not fair!’ Hear now, house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair?” In our Gospel reading from Matthew 5, Jesus raises the bar on our behavior when it comes to tempering our anger and our language. Check it out for yourself.

“It’s not fair!” Sound familiar? If you have children, you’ve probably heard it a million times. Chances are good that you may have even said it, or at least thought it before. You know why? Because life ain’t always fair. Sometimes we get a raw deal. And it can be very easy for us to blame that on God. Sometimes (probably most of the time) the raw deal is a result of our own actions. Sometimes, God’s way is just not easy. Other times, things just seem to go off the tracks randomly.

But let me tell you something: with God, nothing is random. God has a purpose and a plan for everything. Even those things that we feel aren’t fair. In the end, God wants only what is best for us. Sometimes we have to learn hard lessons. And those hard lessons are the ones that just don’t seem fair. But there is always great meaning, even in the perceived unfairness. Let’s always be looking for the lessons, and not whining about what we think is unfair.

Father, teach us your ways. Help us to stop being petulant little whiners. Teach us to grow up and acknowledge that your ways are always fair. Amen.

Today's Readings

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1 comment

  • Rosemary Perry: March 15, 2019

    How many listeners can say that GUS LLOYD attends their church? I can and I am so proud of you, Gus. You are an inspiration to me to read Scripture daily and understand it better with your guidance. Thank you!

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